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Power Administrator for TSM
Complete and comfortable TSM administration
The Power Administrator (PA) provides a complete administration GUI for TSM and supports nearly all aspects of a TSM server
The PA offers additional administration functions, which aren´t available with the native TSM GUI and tools provided by IBM,
- Mass update of many TSM client nodes, TSM administrators, etc. in one step
- Powerfull filter possibilities in tables
- Special administration functions for "NAS Nodes", "VMware Guest Backups", etc.
- Usage and creation of templates for the setup of new TSM clients or TSM administrators.
- Tabe data export to ".csv"-files
- Many help texts to TSM administration options
Navigation tree - Select the topic you want to work on...
Set every kind of filter settings to find and display only desired items!
Completely Multi-TSM-Server oriented administration with expandable and collapsable areas!
Select the displayed columns for your displayed table!
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